const { GRPC } = require("@cerbos/grpc"); // The ...
# community
const { GRPC } = require("@cerbos/grpc"); // The Cerbos PDP instance const cerbos = new GRPC("localhost:3593", { tls: false, }); const SHOW_PDP_REQUEST_LOG = false; module.exports = async (user, action, resourceAtrr = {}) => { const cerbosObject = { principal: { id: "" || "0", policyVersion: "default", roles: [user?.role || "unknown"], attributes: user, }, resource: { kind: "blogpost", policyVersion: "default", id: resourceAtrr?.id + "" || "new", attributes: resourceAtrr, }, actions: [action], }; SHOW_PDP_REQUEST_LOG && console.log("cerbosObject \n", JSON.stringify(cerbosObject, null, 4)); const cerbosCheck = await cerbos.checkResource(cerbosObject); const isAuthorized = cerbosCheck.isAllowed(action); if (!isAuthorized) throw new Error("You are not authorized to visit this resource"); return true; };