Google Cloud Run also requires a private image in ...
# help
Google Cloud Run also requires a private image in gcr or an image within dockerhub. Is there a possibility to publish images in one of these platform after each release automatic? At dockerhub the current cerbos/cerbos image is 2 years old
We currently only publish to GitHub because there are various financial and configuration hoops to jump through for some of the popular registries, including DockerHub. Our recommendation is to configure your preferred registry as a remote caching repo for I believe Artifact registry on GCP supports that too.
@Charith (Cerbos) thanks, but artifact registry is also limited to the docker hub. any other ideas?
Oh, that's unfortunate. I don't know why they have restricted themselves to DockerHub only. I think you'll have to manually copy over the Cerbos image to your Artifact registry then.
Copy code
docker tag <|>
docker push
@Charith (Cerbos) are there any plans to changes this in the future?
Well, DockerHub's terms are pretty restrictive so there are no near term plans to publish there. We are pretty happy with the GitHub registry. I don't know why Google has an arbitrary restriction on just DockerHub. For those users, I'd suggest using the above method or
to copy over the image to GCR. Cerbos releases happen roughly every 30-45 days and presumably you'd want to test the new release before upgrading anyway. Therefore, that small extra step to load up the new image could be part of your upgrade process.