Hey all, trying to run some tests and mock out cer...
# help
Hey all, trying to run some tests and mock out cerbos calls in cypress (typescript) but am now getting this error? anyone know of a quick fix for this
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Error: Webpack Compilation Error
./node_modules/@cerbos/http/lib/index.js 177:56
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (177:56)
Seemed to be due to the preprocessor in cypress, had to change the preprocessor to vite in cypress.config.ts
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export default defineConfig({
  e2e: {
    setupNodeEvents(on) {
      on('file:preprocessor', vitePreprocessor())
Glad it’s sorted. Good to know cypress needs modification for Vite. What’s your use case for Cerbos?
Managing visibility of components on the front end based around roles at the moment, also a blocking access to some apis on the back end. In the end for front end testing,i've gotten completely away from stubbing and am just intercepting the cerbos api calls