Hi all! I'm currently experimenting with deploying...
# help
Hi all! I'm currently experimenting with deploying Cerbos as a sidecar container alongside our applications. I'd like to find out what resource requirements are recommended for running Cerbos in this way? Thanks in advance 😄
Hi! Cerbos is very lightweight and doesn't require a lot of resources. Obviously, the actual requirements depend on factors like requests per second, number of policies etc. For a typical sidecar situation you can start with maybe 64mb of memory limit and 0.1 CPU request. Don't set a CPU limit because that'd just throttle Cerbos even when there's plenty of CPU available. Monitor the performance with those settings and adjust as necessary.
🙌 1
Thanks Charith! Really useful info 👍
How would the resource requirements differ for a service deployment?
Not much different really. It still depends on how many concurrent requests are going to hit Cerbos and the number of policies. I am reluctant to give you an exact number because it's much better to determine that based on some load tests running in your own production-like environment. As a general rule of thumb, I'd give it a bit more memory and CPU than a sidecar and then add a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (assuming you're on Kubernetes) to scale up the pods when necessary.
👍 1
Thanks Charith, really appreciate the info 👍
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