I have question if cerbos have UI?
# help
I have question if cerbos have UI?
Not per se, although it depends on what you mean. If you mean for the Cerbos PDP itself, the answer is no - you communicate with it via its HTTP or gRPC APIs. What information would you want to see in this UI hypothetically?
I see. Thats API only. I think that good have Saas ap for that. Maybe you have or I'm wrong
Apologies, I’m not sure I understand the question. However, two things you might be referring to: 1. The Playground, where you can experiment with Cerbos interactively in the browser (writing policies, tests and the like) 2. Cerbos Hub, which is our managed control plane Perhaps one of these is what you were referring to?
I think its product cerbos hub
is possible have that in self-hosted?
No (there’s a lot going on behind the scenes to serve that UI). Out of interest, what is your use case? What information are you trying to retrieve from a UI?
My use case is, each user from my app are stored in cerbos self-hosted. I retrieve that for giving permission or other. My admin sys nust be implement that for managing the API access on our Git, kubernetes and other. Thats why, I asked the UI interface is possible for manage that? If not, we create simple UI for different security information
Gotcha. Cerbos itself is stateless, so you’d store any contextual information (user/principal and resource attributes) in your own data store and then make requests to Cerbos with that data, for access decisions. Generally, the policies are static (often stored in a git repository for consumption by Cerbos). If you wanted more dynamic management, you could look at our admin API. You could leverage that if you wanted a more bespoke method of management (creating a UI on top, for example).
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