Hey folks, i've actually been trying to integrate ...
# help
Hey folks, i've actually been trying to integrate cerbos with an http server in Golang. here are a few things about my code: ā€¢ it has 2 routes ā€¢ a user & post database (in-memory) ā€¢ an auth middleware You can find the entire code here. (P.S pls ignore the coding style as i'm a beginner in Go and just trying to understand the cerbos integration workflow šŸ™‚) If you see my implementation, i'm not really sure what to populate as a resource id while defining a new resource object:
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resource := cerbos.NewResource("posts", )
Apart from this, if you could pls guide me in the right direction regarding my rest of the implementation, that would mean a lot Thanks
Hi Kunal šŸ‘‹ The resource ID is an arbitrary, unique ID specific to each instance of your resource. It's specific to your use case. If you reason about it as a unique ID column for a table in your database, with rows representing instances of the particular resource, you're on the right track simple smile. It'll probably map 1:1 with that. With regards to the overall implementation, have you checked out our REST API demo? It's a thorough and detailed implementation of what you're building -- might be helpful as a reference point.
So, from what i understand & pls correct me if i'm wrong - referring to my database right now, i've got 2 posts defined:
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var posts = []Post{
		Id:      "3123",
		Title:   "Kubernetes API Guide",
		Summary: "Covers the fundamental aspects of K8s api",
		UserId:  2,
		Flagged: false,
		Id:      "4636",
		Title:   "Golang Basics 101",
		Summary: "Covers the basics of Golang",
		UserId:  1,
		Flagged: false,
So, if the resource id is basically a unique id which represents an entire resource, for instance, if resource id = 1, that means we are talking about the 1st post:
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		Id:      "3123",
		Title:   "Kubernetes API Guide",
		Summary: "Covers the fundamental aspects of K8s api",
		UserId:  2,
		Flagged: false,
Is this the correct way of seeing this?
Sure! I'll have a look at the implementation and try to understand. Thanks for sharing
Oops! did the message get deleted šŸ˜ž
Hey, Cerbos requires a resource ID to help identify resources uniquely. When you are creating a new resource it's common to not know what the ID is because it hasn't been persisted yet. In those cases, our recommendation is to use a placeholder ID such as
āœ… 1
Gotcha! thanks for sharing