Hello! I was hoping someone could help me underst...
# help
Hello! I was hoping someone could help me understand why I'm getting a
more than one YAML document detected
error when running tests with cerbos?
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I just added different versions for a resource policy with scopes and now I'm getting this error.
If you don't actually have multiple YAML documents in a single file, it could also be a bug we found in the parser: https://github.com/cerbos/cerbos/issues/2118. We just released Cerbos 0.36.0 with a fix for that.
Thank you @Dennis (Cerbos) and @Aram Andreasyan. I don't understand how to define policies with scopes, if "this isn't supported" so I think I may have a missunderstanding of how this all works. Here is my file structure:
My understanding with
is that you need to define a policy with the assigned scope if you wanted different rules for that scope. You'll see here, I have three policies for
. The empty scope is
, the
scope is the
file and the
scope is the
file. Something with the
file is causing the error to pop up because it goes away if I comment out the contents of that file.
So, first, am I understand how to setup scopes correctly?
Yes, that looks fine. It's probably an issue with YAML syntax in
- due to the bug I linked, unfortunately sometimes the parser reports
more than one YAML document detected
when the issue is actually something different
AHHHHH. Okay @Andrew Haines (Cerbos). Thank you for that. Let me see if I can recreate the issue and remove the sensitive policy stuff out of the file...
You were right @Aram Andreasyan. Thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction. It has something to do with the complicated condition logic I have in there for that scope. I'll try to modify it and see if I can get past the error.
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Sometimes it helps to write conditions like this:
Copy code
expr: >
  some complicated expression
The block scalar syntax
helps avoid issues with YAML special characters
I was writing it like this:
Copy code
expr: >
  Condition A &&
  Condition B
and I think the indentation was causing issues. I consolidated the same logic to get rid of the weird indentation with the parenthesis and it works now.
👍🏼 1
Looks like the fix for the issue above wasn't sufficient to catch this case, so we still get the same
more than one YAML document detected
error in the current release. I've raised a new issue: https://github.com/cerbos/cerbos/issues/2146
🙌 1