Hi guys! Need some help with clarifying requiremen...
# help
Hi guys! Need some help with clarifying requirements for MySql server as a storage for Cerbos. After looking at https://docs.cerbos.dev/cerbos/latest/configuration/storage.html#mysql seen nothing related to MySql machine config (MySql version, memory / CPU etc.) - only configuration details related to Cerbos connection to MySql machine. Are there any special requirements on MySql server itself (for optimal performance, of course)?
Hi @Yehiel Mizrahi, We are doing Cerbos integration tests with mysql 8 (ref). The cpu and memory requirements may change depending on your needs. What’s your use case for Cerbos? We also offer free workshops where we discuss your use case.
Can you clarify about the usecase question? We currently intend using Cerbos as an authorization service (define policies, then using the Cerbos API in our backend for each user request check if user is allowed to perform certain action on resource). There is a good change that we might need several instances of Cerbos connected to one DB for scale.
Sorry for the unclear question, I meant to ask your setup and what you were working on out of interest. There are no special requirements for Cerbos in terms of MySQL configuration. If you are going to have a dedicated MySQL instance for Cerbos, I’d suggest having the smallest instance type you are provided from the Cloud service and only scale to the bigger one in case it is not sufficient.
👍 1
Thanks you very much!
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