One question: is it possible to run the sandbox lo...
# community
One question: is it possible to run the sandbox locally?
Hey not currently but it does keep coming up so we have an open ticket to look into whether this is something we can do in a sensible manner.
Thanks for the update! Unfortunately you've made an awesome editing experience through the sandbox, that going to write YAML locally for my demo felt like a step back 😄 (even with the yaml extensions configured.)
Just out of curiosity, what is your main reason wanting to run the playground locally?
Two parts I suppose 1. In Demo, I'd like to use actual data from our dev environments while showing the ease of authoring / testing policies, but don't want to send that over the wire to the playground 2. In day-to-day usage, it'd be a really nice experience! I think a lot of comparisons can be made to the GraphQL playground: sure I can do all those things from a command line or Postman, but having a tool-aware experience available where you're working would speed things up greatly!
For 1. What is the reason behind not wanting to send the data over the wire? Is it the payload or the policy you do not want to send it over the wire?
In this case it's the payload. Thought it's all dummy data and it's objectively safe, it's a sensitive industry. While #1 is the immediate reason to ask, #2 is more important IMO. It'd be a joy to author and test policies directly in the sandbox