A quick question around when to use scopes vs hier...
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A quick question around when to use scopes vs hierarchal naming for resources: Let's say I have an experience that's largely config-driven, and certain roles can modify certain parts of that configuration. As a simplified example, say a product manager can take actions on products, and a marketing manager can update content, colors, assets etc in different parts of the configuration. I see two ways this could be modeled: 1. Hierarchal naming of the resource (a base policy for
, a policy for
) 2. Scopes (
kind: config, scope: 'config.products'
) 3. A mix of the two? Is it right to say that scope should be resource agnostic, and preferred for things like multi-tenancy? What are the trade-offs of modeling it in one manner or another? What sort of litmus would you use to pick? I appreciate any insight you might provide! Thanks again for a great intro to the community today
Based on your description, if you're mostly dealing with actions and sub-actions, I think you might find hierarchical naming a little bit more easier to deal with because you only need a single policy file for that. If you use scoped policies with the scope set to the action, you'd end up with a lot of policy files that might be difficult to manage.
Generally, scopes are probably more suited to cases where you want to add overrides based on a particular set of criteria (such as multi-tenancy or inter-departmental permissions). However, that's not a hard rule. It all comes down to what is more convenient and practical for your usage.
Very useful insight, thank you! I actually didn't realize you can define hierarchically named resources in the same file
Is there an example of several nested resources defined in a policy available?
Have a look at this example in the playground if you want to see how scopes work https://play.cerbos.dev/p/gE623b0180QlsG5a4QIN6UOZ6f3iSFW2
For one with nested actions the ‘view:approver’ action for expenses resource here is one https://play.cerbos.dev/p/XhkOi82fFKk3YW60e2c806Yvm0trKEje
In the expense example, the actions are are nested but could you have a nested resource of some
(Thank you for those, I looked at the scope one in depth for one of our multi-tenant use case but missed the expense example)
It is completely open for you to define your own convention so would work aslong as your codebase using the same values