Last question for the day :slightly_smiling_face: ...
# help
Last question for the day 🙂 I'm trying to arbitrarily permit access to entities in my system based on some given tag. So you might have some role
that is for entities with
. Similarly you might have the same role conditioned on
. The tag itself is arbitrary depending on customer requirements. On the flip side a resource might have a basket of tags. I want to avoid creating a role for each tag combination (using a git store for policies right now). The role + tag need to be considered together. So right now I've got something like this. However, something like this works at the evaluation step if a resource is present, but doesn't translate well when doing query planning. Is there a way to represent this that query planning might better understand ?
Copy code
            tr.role == 'TAGGED_READ_ONLY' && tr.tag in R.attr.tags
As far as I understand, taggedRoles is an array of objects
{ role, tag }
. If it can be shaped as a map
{ role: [tag] }
the expression can be rewritten:
P.attr.taggedRoles['TAGGED_READ_ONLY'].exists(t, t in R.attr.tags)
. Or
intersect(P.attr.taggedRoles['TAGGED_READ_ONLY'], R.attr.tags)
. The main idea is
can be evaluated in the query planner, so the produced AST won’t contain any reference to the role.
Good tip! Both those spit out things much more comprehensible. Seems a queryPlanToPrisma limitation might be getting the intersection or "exists in" to map to a prisma query ? Neither variations seem to be handled well by queryPlanToPrisma. Does that match your expectation? However, something like P.attr.taggedRoles['foo'] in R.attr.tags can be. But limits the number of tags you might have associated with one of these roles.
Similar with
hasIntersection(P.attr.taggedRoles['foo'], R.attr.tags)
Yes, I think queryPlanToPrisma doesn’t support it yet.
P.attr.taggedRoles[‘foo’] in R.attr.tags can be. But limits the number of tags you might have associated with one of these roles.
That should work, but I guess having a single tag per role is not ideal.
Gotcha, will investigate further then. Might be something we can translate on our end or maybe contribute to 😛 Another observation, if the queryPlanToPrisma isn't able to translate it returns an empty object. Is this a bit problematic from an authorization perspective? If you drop that in a query it won't restrict anything.
Alternatively, the original expression can be processed by the query planner differently since the target of the
method is known. For example,
[1, 2, -3].exists(t, t > R.attr.value)
can be translated to
1 > R.attr.value OR 2 > R.attr.value OR -3 > R.attr.value
. I believe this can be handled by the queryPlanToPrisma
The query planner doesn’t support this optimisation. I’ll create an issue.
Or conversion from
expr1 OR expr2 OR … exprN
can be done by queryPlanToPrisma.
For example,
[1, 2, -3].exists(t, t > R.attr.value)
can be translated to
1 > R.attr.value OR 2 > R.attr.value OR -3 > R.attr.value
This translation would require knowing the [1, 2, 3] ahead of time though correct? If it's part of the principal it's unknown until call time.
Yes, I mean the call time.
To make sure I follow, are you saying
P.attr['taggedRoles'].exists(t, t in R.attr.tags)
can be done or cannot be done?
For example,
[1, 2, -3].exists(t, t > R.attr.value)
can be translated to
1 > R.attr.value OR 2 > R.attr.value OR -3 > R.attr.value
I meant this as a runtime optimisation by cerbos. In your policies, you write
P.attr['taggedRoles'].exists(t, t in R.attr.tags)
I meant this as a runtime optimisation by cerbos.
Possible optimisation. It hasn’t been implemented.
Just an FYI we literally just published a new version of the Prisma adapter The API has changed so it is a major version and addresses a number of things that have been raised (it now does relations for example) - (shout to community member @Nabil 🙂 )
if the queryPlanToPrisma isn’t able to translate it returns an empty object
This is handled now also and throws an exception. I will check for you use case specifically tomorrow
Timely, I'll give it a look 🙂