Where can I find documentation on the cerbos pytho...
# help
Where can I find documentation on the cerbos python package?
We don't have a Python SDK yet (we are working on it). The [Python demo](https://github.com/cerbos/demo-python) has a very basic client implementation that you can perhaps use to get an idea about how requests can be made to the PDP.
Ok, thank you. I guess I can easily write my own code. It's just assembling json payload to submit to the cerbos Api. I just thought of saving that effort if you already have a python sdk.
Yeah, you should be able to easily use requests or httpx: it's just a JSON API. We already have NodeJS, Java and Go SDKs. Python is up next.
I will take a look at the repo. The python code there seems re-use able!
👍 2