The <OpenTelemetry spec> accepts a list of propaga...
# help
The OpenTelemetry spec accepts a list of propagators (
). AFAIK, it chooses the first valid propagator for incoming requests. Would that be feasible to implement in Cerbos? Right now I have to choose between tracecontext and b3. I prefer tracecontext, but some of the 3rd party services we use only support b3, so it'd be super cool if Cerbos had an
option to detect the propagation headers from an incoming request
We can certainly look into that
When we first started working on Cerbos, Otel was still not production ready. So we went with OpenCensus. That's still there because the Otel Go libraries still have some unresolved issues (like nil pointer derefs in the gRPC interceptors)
So, the opencensus-otel bridge might not be fully compatible with the spec yet. We'll see if there's a way to support
Oh, alright! No worries, though. For now it works. I actually thought otel was just a rename/merge of opencensus
but I see that they added several new stuff too 😄
They merged OpenCensus and OpenTracing projects to become Otel and pretty much rewrote everything from scratch to end up with something that, IMHO, is worse than the original projects 🙂 There are lots of bugs, missing features and a really weird Go module setup for the library.
Oh, damn...
Looks like this is possible to do. I have raised a PR for it: Hoping to get it out in the next release -- which is not too far away.
Awesome. Thanks!