Hello I have a question when using nestJS with gra...
# help
Hello I have a question when using nestJS with graphQL and cerbos Currently I have implemented an interceptor which is called before the resolver mutation code is actually called which is the behaviour I am expecting. While using grpc I need to provide a resource id which is not the case as to when using http:
Copy code
principal: {
        id: userData.userId,
        roles: userData.roles,
      resource: {
        kind: cerbosObject,
        id: "1",
      action: host.getHandler().name,
While looking into these examples https://github.com/cerbos/demo-graphql/blob/main/src/resolvers/Expenses.queries.ts it makes sense to actually call the db and compare the id's. How would you handle the permission check for creating or deleting a certain object from the db in which case you only need to check for the role and you do not need the id in the resource object? It is a required value in the request. Thanks in advance πŸ‘
In this case we recommend just putting in a static value of β€˜new’ so similar. Whatever value you use will appear in the audit logs also. For deleting in most cases you would have the ID of the the resource being deleted I assume?
@Alex Olivier (Cerbos) Thanks for the quick response! πŸ™‚ Checking it out
Another way to get around not having an ID for new resources is that I often put the "create" action on a parent resource. Typically there's logic related to the parent to determine if you can create a child anyway. For example, if your resources were
, it might make sense to have a
action on the
resource policy rather than a
action on the
, because the logic of who is allowed to create a file is mainly determined by on their permissions on the containing folder. This might not be the case for every resource but it's worth considering in the context of your domain πŸ™‚
Thanks @Andrew Haines (Cerbos) currently we have done something similar based on the previous answer. We created a higher level policy which actually determines the access level and after that we are using specific resource access policies πŸ™‚ Currently still testing but looks good Btw nice alpaca πŸ˜„
Awesome! Thanks 😁 πŸ¦™