Hi :wave::skin-tone-2: I'm wondering if anyone ha...
# help
Hi šŸ‘‹šŸ» I'm wondering if anyone has stumbled upon this issue before or a similar problem WHAT I'M TRYING TO DO By default, Cerbos is pulling the policies from Github via HTTPS. I want to change it to use SSH. Created the public/private keys, tested in multiple environments - pulling the repo WORKS. WHAT BLOCKS ME I configured Cerbos DOCKER container to use the SSH mechanism, but internally, it seems that it lacks some SSH configuration Here's the error:
Copy code
{"log.level":"error","@timestamp":"2023-01-12T15:21:04.187Z","log.logger":"cerbos.git.store","message":"Failed to initialize git store","dir":"/policies","error":"failed to clone from git@github.com:utilitywarehouse/cerbos-policies.git to /policies: unable to find any valid known_hosts file, set SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS env variable"}
cerbos: error: failed to create store: failed to clone from git@github.com:utilitywarehouse/cerbos-policies.git to /policies: unable to find any valid known_hosts file, set SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS env variable
WHAT I'VE TRIED: ā€¢ Mounting a hardcoded
file - makes it WORK āœ… I am not sure this is a good approach, since the public keys of github may rotate in the future and the hardcoded file will be invalid. ā€¢ Mounting a
, as well as in
, configuring SSH to ignore the
kown_hosts file
- Does not work āŒ THOUGHTS: At the moment, I think only hard-copying the
file. A better approach, though not standard, would be to ignore checking the known hosts at all. That is done via SSH configuration, but the docker image ignores any mounted configuration files.
Hi. What I'd recommend is generating the
file for just the host you're interested in (
ssh-keyscan <http://github.com|github.com>
) and mounting it at
. If you're in Kubernetes, you can do this with an init container as well.
We don't currently have a way to disable host key verification because it's a security risk. If the GitHub keys change (which happens very rarely), I think it's better to fail at that point and verify that the keys have indeed changed legitimately.
Hello Charith and thanks for the answer. Will hardcode it for now