Hello, I try to use Cerbos, my playground work but...
# help
Hello, I try to use Cerbos, my playground work but I got this error on development
{"log.level":"info","@timestamp":"2023-02-07T11:48:27.978Z","log.logger":"cerbos.grpc","message":"Handled request","grpc.start_time":"2023-02-07T11:48:27Z","system":"grpc","span.kind":"server","grpc.service":"cerbos.svc.v1.CerbosService","grpc.method":"CheckResources","cerbos":{"call_id":"01GRNV9CPA3NP1GW..."},"peer.address":"172.25...","grpc.code":"OK","grpc.time_ms":0.125}
How can I display more explicits logs
Hey have you got any more log lines - that one in particular isn’t an error - just telling us that the request was handled
Hello @Alex Olivier (Cerbos), I only have this log, I think my docker compose don’t find the policies
thats unexepected - there should be the first few lines that show the instance starting up, which ports it is registered against and how many policies it has loaded
if you do
docker logs [containername]
do you get more?
Thank you very much, effectively the policies are not found,
Found 0 executable policies
, It’s the wrong volumes in my Docker compose
Let me know if you need a hand sorting it out
It works thank you very much