How can Cerbos be made aware of it running behind ...
# help
How can Cerbos be made aware of it running behind a frontend proxy running tls/https offload? So cerbos is running on http, but the clients use https schema to access the api
Why do you need to make Cerbos aware that it's running behind a proxy? If you're thinking of audit logs, they record the
header and you can configure Cerbos to record any other custom headers that identify the client as well.
The links that are used in the /api playground are tied to the scheme that cerbos thinks it’s running on. So in our case these fields target http://cerbos.domain/api/bla.
Oh you mean the Swagger API docs? I am afraid there's no way to change the scheme on that. It's meant to be used as a local development aid so we haven't considered adding any options to make it accessible over proxies and such.
Having a full featured playground in there (with the policies in cerbos preloaded but changeable for testing) would be helpfull
Noted. That's a common request and we have it in our list of things to do.
Fyi I use Istio to do tls termination and cerbos runs on http inside my gke cluster. I also use istio to disable the swagger docs. Alternatively, you could also get istio to write a routing rule to redirect the user to the Cerbos public web page for api documentation i.e
Most ingress gateways in k8s can do the above.
@Charith (Cerbos) if you ever implement a playground, please make it optional during installation.
Absolutely. We are keen to keep the Cerbos contact area small so any optional features will always ship disabled by default.