Hello :wave: We have a question, hoping maybe som...
# help
Hello 👋 We have a question, hoping maybe some hints could help us here. We are trying to inject Linkerd proxy into the helm chart deployment. Here is what we have below, we can see the annnotations being injected on Deployment & on ReplicaSet however on the POD the linkerd proxy is never injected and no annotations are present there whatsoever:
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# Annotations to add to the deployment.
            <http://linkerd.io/inject|linkerd.io/inject>: enabled
            <http://config.linkerd.io/skip-outbound-ports|config.linkerd.io/skip-outbound-ports>: "27017,4222,80,81"
            <http://config.linkerd.io/shutdown-grace-period|config.linkerd.io/shutdown-grace-period>: "120"
            <http://cluster-autoscaler.kubernetes.io/safe-to-evict|cluster-autoscaler.kubernetes.io/safe-to-evict>: "true"