I am struggling to get cerbos to work on AWS Lambd...
# help
I am struggling to get cerbos to work on AWS Lambda as a serverless service. Any help is appreciated.
Can you share the policy file? Looks like a formatting error
(Good news is that means Cerbos instance is running now!)
I resolved that but ended up on another error: cerbos: error: failed to create store: failed to create workDir “/policies”: mkdir /policies: read-only file system
I think I need to remove the configs for S3 except bucket and re-try
I am re-trying with this config: storage: driver: “blob” blob: bucket: $BUCKET_URL prefix: $BUCKET_PREFIX workDir: ${HOME}/tmp/cerbos/work updatePollInterval: 15s downloadTimeout: 30s requestTimeout: 10s
You shouldn’t have to change the default config unless you need to change the polling intervals
Noted. But with default config I am ending up with the below error in the logs whenever I involve the deployed endpoint; cerbos: error: failed to create store: failed to read blob configuration: workDir unspecified and failed to determine user cache dir: neither $XDG_CACHE_HOME nor $HOME are defined
I am looking at the right config to put in place for using AWS S3 as the storage
I am looking at here: https://docs.cerbos.dev/cerbos/latest/configuration/storage.html#blob-driver and used the same config in this for AWS S3 (changed the bucket name and prefix), but unsure what to set for $HOME
I am stuck here: “cerbos: error: failed to create store: failed to read blob configuration: workDir unspecified and failed to determine user cache dir: neither $XDG_CACHE_HOME nor $HOME are defined” Left with no idea as to what to do here. Please suggest what will be right config in conf.yaml.
Is this locally or in lambda?
This is in AWS Lambda. Local it is working perfectly fine and also on AWS EC2.
This is the default config for lambda - it hardcodes the path to workDir
Copy code
    disableVerification: true

  driver: "blob"
    bucket: $BUCKET_URL
    prefix: $BUCKET_PREFIX
    workDir: /tmp/workDir
    updatePollInterval: 15s
then in the deployment BUCKET_URL and BUCKET_PREFIX are enviroment variables
I tried this, will try again. I have also given fullS3Access policy to the CerbosServerFunction role too. Will try rightaway.
the config on here https://docs.cerbos.dev/cerbos/latest/configuration/storage.html#blob-driver is for if you are running in your own infra/ec2 rather than lambda $HOME isnt’ defined in lambda