Hi all, I have added resource policy using go sdk....
# help
Hi all, I have added resource policy using go sdk. As well as for checking also am using go sdk. While audit I want to know who made the check request. For that I want to send some attribute along with check call to cerbos. Is that possible . TIA
Hi @Vijey Deepan, Assuming you are looking for the principal or an IP who made the request you can see it by following these steps. If it is something else you are looking for, please let me know. After enabling the
logsa and admin API from the configuration file as follows;
Copy code
  enabled: true
  decisionLogsEnabled: true # Log policy decisions
    enabled: true
You can check the
logs using the
like this;
Copy code
cerbosctl --server=localhost:3593 --username=cerbos --password=cerbosAdmin --plaintext audit --kind decision
As an example, you will observe audit log entries like the following. Is it what you are looking for?
Copy code
  "callId": "01GQPJQJ66STBED5B35VJ8X4RA",
  "timestamp": "2023-01-26T08:22:27.803937Z",
  "peer": {
    "address": "",
    "userAgent": "...",
    "forwardedFor": ""
  "checkResources": {
    "inputs": [
        "requestId": "1",
        "resource": {
          "kind": "student-management",
          "policyVersion": "default",
          "id": "XX125"
        "principal": {
          "id": "john",
          "policyVersion": "default",
          "roles": [
        "actions": [
    "outputs": [
        "requestId": "1",
        "resourceId": "XX125",
        "actions": {
          "delete": {
            "effect": "EFFECT_DENY",
            "policy": "NO_MATCH"
          "read": {
            "effect": "EFFECT_DENY",
            "policy": "NO_MATCH"
Thank you for the help. This is exactly what I need. I want the principle info
so How to send the principle info along with check request to cerbos grpc api , if we use resource policy.
principal := client.NewPrincipal("here i can add the principle right", "somerole")
resource := client.NewResource(mdkind[0], "resource id here")
batch := client.NewResourceBatch()
batch.Add(resource, "read")
resp, err := cli.CheckResources(context.Background(), principal, batch)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
what ever principle id am add here while making check request will reflect in audit log right
Yes, that is how you send a request using the SDK. You will see the principal in the audit logs.
sdk is available for audit as well right
It is not available for Go SDK right now. You could use Admin API directly, or
to see audit logs.
Actually, the Go SDK does have a way to get the audit logs: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/cerbos/cerbos/client#AdminClient However, it's stream of the latest entries and not directly queriable for specific records. If you want advanced querying for audit logs, we recommend using the
backend and ingesting the logs into a log indexer.